Sesame is a flowering plant in the genus Sesamum, also called benne. Numerous wild relatives occur in Africa and a smaller number in India. It is widely naturalized in tropical regions around the world and is cultivated for its edible seeds, which grow in pods or “buns“
Sesame seed is one of the oldest oilseed crops known, domesticated well over 3000 years ago.
Sesame has one of the highest oil contents of any seed. With a rich, nutty flavor, it is a common ingredient in cuisines across the world.




In 2013, world production of sesame seeds was 4.2 million tonnes, led by India and mainland China.
One of the largest producers of the crop is Sudan, with a record of over 0.7 million tons on year 2013

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Producing sesame oil: used as a cooking oil in different parts of the world, has a distinctive pleasant aroma and taste.

Added to Bread

Sesame seeds are sometimes added to bread, including bagels and the tops of hamburger buns.


About 75% of Mexico’s sesame crop is purchased by McDonald’s for use in their sesame seed buns worldwide.

Used in Cakes

Sesame seeds may be baked into crackers, often in the form of sticks. In Sicily and France, the seeds are eaten on bread (ficelle sésame, sesame thread). In Greece, the seeds are also used in cakes.

Made into a Paste

Sesame seeds are made into a paste called tahini and the Middle Eastern confection halvah.

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